

25-1-10 15:08| 发布者: rcfans| 查看: 3301| 评论: 6

香港《遥控模型》杂志创办人、总编辑余辉雄先生,于昨日离世。余先生作为遥控模型行业的前辈,毕生致力于推广和普及遥控模型运动。 他曾常年奔波于中国香港、中国内地、中国澳门等地,为行业的发展倾注了无数心血。

香港《Radio Control Models Magazine(遥控模型)》月刊自1981年创刊,深耕香港超过四十年, 是目前香港唯一仅存的中文遥控模型刊物。在余先生的带领下,该杂志多年不懈努力,为香港以及全球华语地区的遥控模型爱好者提供了丰富的资讯和比赛活动详情, 涵盖海、陆、空、电竞等多个领域,同时关注行业品牌的发展动态与最新资讯。



In Memory of Mr. Yee Fei Song, Founder of Hong Kong’s Radio Control Models Magazine

Mr. Yee Fei Song, the founder and editor-in-chief of Radio Control Models Magazine, passed away yesterday. As a pioneer in the remote control modeling industry, Mr. Yee dedicated his life to promoting and popularizing the hobby. He frequently traveled between Hong Kong, mainland China, and Macau, contributing tirelessly to the development of the industry.

Since its founding in 1981, Radio Control Models Magazine has been rooted in Hong Kong for over 40 years. It remains the only Chinese-language remote control modeling magazine in Hong Kong. Under Mr. Yee’s leadership, the magazine consistently provided valuable information and competition details for enthusiasts in Hong Kong and across Chinese-speaking regions worldwide. The publication covered a wide range of topics, including land, sea, air, and esports-related remote control models, while also keeping readers updated on the latest trends and developments of brands in the industry.

Mr. Yee’s passing is a significant loss to the remote control modeling community. His passion and contributions will forever be remembered by enthusiasts around the world. May he rest in peace, and our deepest condolences to his family.

纪念《遥控模型》杂志创办人Yee Fei Song先生的图片


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  • 发表评论


    引用 lionnad 25-1-14 10:45
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    将自己的热爱作为事业 推动行业的发展 真的很伟大


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